Monday, October 11, 2010

Solaris9 (sparc) set up NIS environment

Hardware Environment: 2 sets U 10: lion, dove

Software environment:

Operating System: solaris9

Master server: lion (

Client server: dove (

This environment not configured NIS slave server

Configuration of specific steps are as follows:

First, configure the NIS master server


Confirmed lion Machine / etc / hosts file has all the NIS server and client (in this case, lion, dove the two machines) configuration:

lion: /] 4 # cat etc / hosts


# Internet host table

# localhost lion loghost dove

Note: dove is added to the hosts inside.

2. Configuration Makefile file, define NIS domain name, create the corresponding ASCII source file, the definition of time zone timezone

# Domainname nisdomain

# Domainname> / etc / defaultdomain

# Cd / etc; touch ethers bootparams netgroup

# Cat / etc / timezone

GMT +08:00 nisdomain


Edit / etc / auto_master file, comment out this line to + auto_master

4. Edit / etc / auto_home file, comment out the + auto_home this line, and to join NIS server automatically mount the user home directory configuration

# Cat / etc / auto_home

# + Auto_home

* Lion: / export / home / &

5. Configuring NIS server, so that / export / home directory as a shared resource

# Cat / etc/dfs/dfstab----------------------------------- settings share resources

share-d "home dirs" / export / home

6. Check the NFS server process is running mountd and nfsd

Solaris 9 # pgrep-xl mountd

Solaris 9 # pgrep-xl nfsd

Solaris10 # svcs-a | grep nfs | egrep-e "server | client"

online 14:18:27

svc: / network / nfs / client: default

online 14:18:28 svc: / network / nfs / server: default

If the NFS server is not running on the open it:

Solaris 9 # / etc / init.d / nfs.server start

Solaris10 # svcadm

enable nfs / server


Shared set of shared resources have been

# Shareall

8. Create a user account usera, userb, userc, set the user home directory in / export / home directory, and set the password

# Useradd-d / export / home / usera-m usera

# Useradd-d / export / home / userb-m userb

# Useradd-d / export / home / userc-m userc

# Passwd usera

# Passwd userb

# Passwd userc

# Grep user / etc/passwd----------------- modify / etc / passwd, change in the user home directory / home directory, as follows

usera: x: 100:1:: / home / usera: / bin / sh

userb: x: 101:1:: / home / userb: / bin / sh

userc: x: 102:1:: / home / userc: / bin / sh

9. Copy file template switching NIS

# Cd / etc; cp nsswitch.conf nsswitch.bak; cp nsswitch.nis nsswitch.conf

10. Set a NIS master server lion (ypinit-m)

# Ypinit-m

Here the output omitted ...>

next host to add: lion ----------------- master server

next host to add: ****----------------- secondary server (in this environment not configured NIS slave server)

next host to

add: ^ D ------------------------ Press CTRL + D key combination to stop the importation server list

Here the output omitted ...>

Is this correct? [Y / n: y] y

Here the output omitted ...>

Do you want this procedure to quit on non-fatal errors? [Y / n: n] n

Here the output omitted ...>

Building / var / yp / nisdomain / ypservers ...

Running / var / yp / Makefile ...

Output omitted here, if you can see the normal production of the map information display NIS ...>

lion has been set up as a yp master server without any errors .------- information indicates that the success of a master server

If there are running slave yp servers, run yppush now for any data bases

which have been changed. If there are no running slaves, run ypinit


those hosts which are to be slave servers.

11. Sure NIS server daemon has started, if not start with the following command starts

Solaris 9 # / usr / lib / netsvc / yp / ypstart

Solaris 10 # svcadm enable nis / server

12. To determine the system is the NIS master server

# Ypwhich-m

audit_user lion

user_attr lion

Output omitted ...>

The contents of the output shows the NIS domain to provide the name of each map, and control of these maps the name of master server

Second, configure the NIS client

1. Sure clusterc Machine / etc / hosts file has all the NIS server (in this case, lion, dove) configuration

2. Configuring NIS Domain

# Domainname nisdomain

# Domainname> / etc / defaultdomain

3. Configuration dove machine as NIS client (ypinit-c)

# Ypinit-c

next host to add: lion

next host to add: backup bin conf config data eshow_sitemap.html log maint sitemap.html svn tmp (this environment is not configured NIS slave server)

next host to add: ^ D

Is this correct? [Y / n: y] y

4. Copy the NIS name of the switch file template

# Cd / etc; cp nsswitch.conf nsswitch.bak; cp nsswitch.nis nsswitch.conf

5. Start NIS client process

Solaris 9 # / usr / lib / netsvc / yp / ypstart

starting NIS (YP server) services: ypserv ypbind done.

Solaris10 # svcadm enable nis / client

6. To determine the machine ready to use NIS

# Ypwhich-m

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